Hari Raya Puasa
Celebrated by the Muslims signifies the end of the fasting season of Ramadan for a month. The celebration is determined by sighting of the new moon. This is the most significant celebration for the Muslims. Muslims starts the day by congregating in the mosques early in the morning to perform Hari Raya Puasa prayers followed by visits to the graves of the departed.
This festive occasion is greeted with great joy, the young will ask for forgiveness from their elders and everyone will put on new clothes. Open house or invitation for relatives and friends to come to their house is practised. Plenty of traditional Malay delicacies are served during this festive season. Houses are thoroughly cleaned and decorated with the lighting of oil lamps to welcome the angels which is believed to be visiting the earth during the seven days preceding the festivall. The celebration lasts for a month which the celebration is concentrated in the first three days.
Moon Cake- Lantern Festival
Known also the mid-autumn festival which falls on the 15th day of the eighth Chinese Lunar Calendar. This is a historical festival rather than a religious one. It marks the successul rebellion against the Mongol ruler dated back in 14th century China. Legend has indicated that the secret about a plot against the Mongolians was hidden inside the mooncake and the mooncake was distributed widely. Lanterns were used at night as signals from higher grounds and hilltop. Today, this festival is celebrated with moon cakes and latern hanging on the house. The lantern and the moon cakes have attracted many children and adults attention. In certain area, lantern procession and competition are held.
Hungry Ghost Festival
Celebrated on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month by Buddhists and Taoists. Bundle of joss sticks, paper hell money, and food placed on the street corner and roadsides are burnt to appease the dead spirit from entering their home and cause disturbance in their household. It is believed that the gate of the hell are opened and all the hungry ghosts wander the earth in search of food and taking revenge to those who has wronged them in life. Legend has it that two childhood sweethearts forbidden were rejected marriage by their parents, committed suicide by jumping from the Yu Lan Bridge. A single stalk of lotus bearing two flowers under the bridge was found several days later.
Celebrated on the Hindu month of Kartik in October / November. It is also called the Festivals of Lights. The celebration symbolises the victory of Lord Krishna over the demon king Narakasura. It marks the return of Rama after 14 years of exile. On this day, the Hindu wake up at dawn, bathe themselves in herbal oil, put on new clothes, and say their prayers. Homes of the Hindus are lit with little oil lamps made from clay pots filled with coconut oil and wicks. This is believed to invite Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth who will not enter an unlit house.
Hari Raya Haji
Celebrated by the Muslims on the tenth day of the last month of the Muslim calendar. This is an occasion celebrated marking the conclusion of the annual Haj - the pilgrimage to the holy city of Mecca, when the pilgrims are given the title of Haji for men and Hajjah for women. Thanksgiving prayers are offered in the mosques. An animal is sacrificed whose meat was distributed among the relatives and the poors.
Awal Muharram Maal HijrahCelebrated by Muslims as the day symbolises two happy event in a Muslim's life. The start of Muslim year or calendar, Muharram, coincides with Prophet Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina on the first of Muharram in 622AD. To signify this occasion, Muslims attend to various religious activities, spiritual singing, religious meeting throughout the country.
Celebrated by Christian on the 25th of December marking the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated by non-christian in some other ways as well. It is a family gathering occassion starting with a midnight mass on Christmas Eve followed by Christmas Day celebration the next day. Legend has it that the Santa Claus brings presents for people at night during the christmas eve. Exchange of gifts are popular. Roast turkey is a common and traditional dish.